Wednesday, September 5, 2007

I want to ride my bicycle. I want to ride my bike.

Okay I finally got a bike (thanks for the bicycle advice on the last post). Unfortunately Gregg, it's not a Trek. In fact, I'm not sure that I could tell you the brand name. All I know is that it's used and it's Japanese and it's silver. Maybe I'll call it the Silver Bullet. It might be a good marketing ad to have werewolves riding them because they say that the only thing capable of killing such a creature is a silver bullet. It would be a cruel twist of mythological irony....the most powerful force in cycle sales. As for pegs, sorry Traever. However, I do have a basket, so I could still take people places, it's just that they would have to have somewhat of an ewok stature.

If there is one aspect of Hanoi that I could never fully articulate to a deserving degree, it would most certainly be the traffic. It's intense and the most common means of going anywhere is the motor bike. I mean I'm pretty sure that if the average Hanoi resident needs to go from his or her kitchen to the bathroom, he or she will take a motorbike. As such, they dot the roads quite densly. However, despite, or maybe because of this, I think my new favorite thing is riding my bike around Hanoi. After my first class at the Institute of International Relations (which I will very soon discuss in the next post) I rode to the school I taught at the summer before last, Hanoi-Amsterdam, to meet up with some old students. It was rush hour and it was crazy and it was great. The students and I had some ice cream and talked about life. We're planning on maybe seeing the new Harry Potter movie (it just opened it Hanoi) this Sunday. Call me a nerd but I love those movies. They're made for people with 10 second attention spans, so it's easier for me to watch without getting distracted by something shiny.

Also, it's awesome to be able to ride a bike and not have some frat guy yell "Hey Lance Armstrong" at you.

What's my bike's name? I believe I have to name it Kit. I just wish it would talk to me like the real Kit talked to Hasselhoff. Speaking of talking automobiles, does anybody remember that show "Heat Vision and Jack" that never really made it. Jack Black played the smartest man alive (his intelligence was due to radiation from the sun) and he had a motorcycle that could talk. Owen Wilson was the voice of the bike. Seriously, what else could the American television viewing audience ask for?

Take care everbody.


Traever Guingrich said...

that show was hilarious. you can still find a website here and there that has the first episode. tell us when you take kit off his first ramp. maybe you should put a pillow in the basket to act as an airbag.

Gregg said...

The American television viewing audience could have asked for Baywatch to end - much in the same way as Bob Newhart as Robert Hartley awoke from a dream, alongside Suzanne Pleshette as Emily, in the Bob Newhart show, to find that the whole of the Newhart show was morphed from a dream - as a morphed mirage from the weary Barry Newman, as Kowalski, while driving around in the desert, with no sleep in 1971’s Vanishing Point, such that it was Kowalski’s intent to permanently erase that image in the fiery end (and that would explain the absent gaze), but Super Soul (Cleavon “I know you’re out there Kowalski” Little) was able to empathetically and telepathically transport that image, which became Baywatch seasons 1 through 5, onto a burning piece of front Dodge Challenger fender shrapnel … or maybe not.

But “at-the-end-of-the-day” (the most overused phrase by the talking heads on CNN today): it is You Willman, peddling across Hanoi, in a yellow leader’s jersey, singing “Run, run as fast as you can, you can’t catch me, I’m the Lance Headstrong, Silver Stream man”.

Love Ya, and Proud of Ya

Gregg said...

OK, so like that was supposed to Silver Streak man or something. To my proofreader: "you're fired".

Jonathan E. said...

I'll take two helpings of what gregg is cooking. That guys leaves some hilarious comments. I don't know who it is unless it is your step-dad gregg, then PSYCH!!, I guess I do.

BTW great blog, and be careful with your dong, you have a limited supply.

Will said...

Gregg. Kudos. You're like the Carl Winslow Winslow to my Perfect Strangers. You would surprise Larry and Balky with short cameos, but you were so popular that eventually TGIF gave you your own show, Family Matters, which soon overshadowed your Perfect Strangers launching pad. I mean Balky offered some comic relief, but he was nothing compared to Urkel.

Bigmeanmama said...

Will, hello, finally made it to your blog. Glad to know you like to name your well, guess I'll call it ride, too. Guess what we call your car now? "The WillMobile" You'll have to tell me what its previous name was. Its great everytime we go somewhere the children take a moment to think about you and your students. ~Lesa

Unknown said...

Flame on, Silver Streak, flame on (but watch your six on the streets). Your description of Hanoi is eerily similar to Clay's description of Seoul. Sound's like things are "rolling" along (sorry, I just can't help it. Glad I finally made it to your blog. It's a great way to keep in touch. I'll have to thank Gregg for that mental image of you the next time I see him. It'll take awhile to get that out of my head. Also, thanks for providing the proper pronunciation for dong. Course, JD, being 13, rejects it. Go figure. Everyone says hey and sends their love.

We're proud of you!

Gregg said...

Thanks for the Kudos Willman, I'll carry that with me forever.

And yes Jonathon E., I'm the yellow leaders jerseyed, Lance Headstrong, Silver Streak man's step-dad. But step-dad sounds so, uh, removed somehow. I prefer to think of myself as a sept-dad (look it up).

The most important thing is that you never say "I wish I knew then, what I know now". And I think you're well on your way to never saying that because you're living you're dream ... and that is very cool.

Keep your "dots" aligned Willman. Do remember what I'm talking about?