Monday, October 22, 2007

Here's to Mr. Iococa and His Failed Experiment the DeLorean

You never know when or in what form you may get a glimpse of American culture. Yesterday, in one of my speaking classes, the students were working in groups, discussing the possible changes and advances that may take place in the world by the year 2045. (The date the textbook set was 2025, but it’s about 20 years old. Let’s just say that the cover of this text has the silhouette of a man with one of the most unbridled and majestic moustaches you will ever see the outline of and that the picture that accompanies this activity was chocked full of flying cars.) Along with articulating these speculations, they were also given the task of making the following judgment: is this a change for the better, for the worse, or neither and why?

One group suggested that time travel would, by this time, be a reality. When asked if this development would be a positive influence on society, one student said no. His reason was that this would allow people to go back in time and gamble unfairly on past sporting events. I asked him if he got this concept from a certain move sequel and he said yes. I have never been prouder.

When all is said and done, I have to agree with him. Sorry Biff, but due to people like you, the Flux Capacitor is just a little too risky. Take it from me, because thanks to about a dozen time zones, I’m actually writing this from the future.


Jonathan E. said...

First of all I have to say "Nice!" to your Office reference.

Amazing how sports gambling has such a hold on 'nam.

Traever Guingrich said...

when are we getting personal jet packs like on the movie rocketeer? that movie came out when i was 9 and i have thought about it every day since. 16 long years of dreamin' about jet packs can do damage to a man's psyche.

Sanjo Panjo said...
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Sanjo Panjo said...

Will, I'm coming in late but definitely all caught up. Thanks for the laughs, man.

Will said...

Ky's great to hear from you. How's life in Chi-town? By the way I saw your facebook pictures from the BBZ Halloween party....amazing.